I’ve just written a business book. I can’t tell you how good it feels to type those words.
It’s called “My Job Isn’t Working!”, and is essentially the top 10 tools I know people find helpful in dealing with the ever-increasing pressures of being a mid career employee. It will be published in July next year, and if you’d like to know more about what’s in it, here’s a link to the “Look Inside” page.
I wanted to share with you the one thing that I found most useful in making writing a 50,000 word book easier than it might otherwise have been. It’s a technique I’d recommend to anyone, whether or not you’re like me – a natural improviser whose default is to write, just as I am this article, using intuition and not much of a plan – or whether you are naturally someone who likes to map things out in advance.
Having decided at the beginning of this year to make writing a book one of my key objectives, I spoke to a few folks who have already done it, one of which was Penny Pullan. I wrote a chapter on Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders for her book Business Analysis and Leadership in 2013. Penny immediately put me on to Alison Jones, who runs a 10 – day Business Book Proposal Challenge for aspiring business book authors. Alison runs her own publishing business, as well as being an author in her own right and an extremely astute business person.
10 days later I had a fully worked and highly polished publisher proposal ready to go. I had thought through my target market, the main structure of the book, the competition, the high level marketing plan, and much else besides. I was hooked, and there was now no going back, especially as I was now working alongside a cohort of other aspiring writers, bouncing ideas and feedback around between us. There was a real sense of momentum, and a healthy degree of what I experienced as peer pressure. If they can do it, why can’t I? What might have otherwise felt a a rather lonely process turned out to be anything but, and I found myself wanting more and more to blurt out the ideas which were spinning more and more overwhelmingly in my head.
So here’s the thing that stopped me from doing that – just sitting down and throwing the thoughts down as they came to me, which might have otherwise have been my inclination. When I’d completed the Proposal Challenge, Alison invited me to join a group of 3 other inspiring writers in a Mastermind group, the aim of which was to work our way together towards completing our books. And early on in that process I found myself creating a document which turned out to be THE most useful tool in this whole process.
It’s a simple Excel spreadsheet called my Table of Contents (TOC). In it I have inserted literally every message I wish to include in the book, in the right sequence, in the right chapter within the right section, and unbelievably I have calculated how many words I will need to use to convey that message. I list any sources or models I want to refer to, or where there is someone I want to interview or ask for a quote.
This Table of Contents has been my lifeline. Knowing it is there has meant that every time I get a new idea – from reading something or a conversation, I add it in the relevant section with details of where I can find the source when it comes to writing the book. The document is therefore organic, and I’ve been updating it pretty much every day.
It removed a lot of stress knowing that I had a repository for my ideas and my sources that I could access easily. Without it I imagine I’d have had a very large and disorganised folder of scribbled notes, bits of torn out magazines and who knows what else as a means of reminding where my materials were.
But that’s not the best bit: when it came to writing the book, my Table of Contents enabled me to do it completely fluently. I wrote most of the book this month, literally one chapter per day in which I was working on it. On those days I would print off the relevant section of the TOC spreadsheet, read it to remind myself of the main messages, and then take the dog for a walk whilst I developed my ideas. Back home for a coffee and get started around 10.30. By lunchtime without exception the chapter was complete. I’d update the TOC with the actual word count, which invariably was a little lower than what I forecast (that’s good news, as it will leave room for others to contribute their stories as a means of adding colour), and that was that. Onwards.
Of course all I have so far is a first draft, and no doubt it is going to pulled apart by copy editors and so on before we have a finished book. But I have broken the back of it, and no longer have to keep the new ideas coming. It’s such a relief.
I have decided that printing the book in partnership with Alison will give me the best chance of success. Her publishing imprint Practical Inspiration Publishing is a comparatively new kid on the block, and with her fantastic business book network and knowledge of the market from her days at Macmillan and Oxford University Press I feel we will make a great team. I also feel greatly reassured to be working with someone who has helped me to “lay the egg” and completely gets what the book is about and how to use it to drive my business coaching and leadership skills training business.
There you have it: using a structure to unlock your creativity and remove the stress of capturing and accessing all your ideas. In other words, using it to avoid overwhelm and stress, and to allow you to articulate your thoughts in an orderly fashion. Very useful indeed, and a bit of an eye opener, to be honest. I was sceptical to begin with, but now I’m a convert. I really must experiment further with a more orderly approach to projects. As my wife keeps reminding me.
If you’d like to be kept informed about the book, or indeed would like to contribute your experience of being a mid career employee, at the bottom of this page is where you can sign up for updates on progress.
Congratulations! The plan does sound like an excellent one. The spreadsheet TOC is a great way of organising things and has clearly suited your style. I have not undertaken anything nearly as ambitious as you, but I like the visual appeal and the non-linearity of mind mapping. I suspect there are now programmes that allow one to combine the two. You have inspired me to look!
Let us know if you find a mindmap/TOC combo Will, that sounds great!
Michael, Great post! I actually started to think about something along these lines, and having a 1 page objective, and TOC was key in setting the tone. I didn’t know the 10 day business proposal challenge and will for sure look into it!
Talking to people about it in saying that I am thinking about this, also makes me think that I can´t go back now!! So happy that you managed to do it!
Hope you are well,
So pleased to hear you are writing one too Joel. And now that you have declared yourself on the Internet there really really is no going back! What is your going to be about?
Michael, thank you for your post. I found it most helpful and enlightening. I have never tried to do such a complete TOC as you suggest, and I see that had I done as you did, I would have saved myself (and Suzanne) hundreds of hours. I tend to write i stream of consciousness mode, and sort it out later. I see much merit in your approach.
I would love to see one or two chapters from your spreadsheet if you don’t think you’re giving away the crown jewels. I am interested in the level of detail you reached in the TOC. Perhaps you should call it the TOC+.
Well done on the book. I wish you every success with it.
Suzanne and I are about to send our MS to the publisher for the second round of technical review. It took us a lot longer than it took you.
Thanks so much James. Delighted to hear you are going into print again. Much harder to co-write,I think.
I’d be happy to show you the TOC. It’s not the crown jewels by any means, not something I need to protect, happy to let anyone see it. When is yours being published?
Wow, well done Mike! I will definitely have to try that out 😊
Thanks Ange. Are you writing one yourself?
Indeed I am! Am writing a chapter on Organisation Development within the context of Corporate Innovation, relative to leadership, teams and individuals. Finding it often hard to focus and structure my thinking, and while I’ve made good progress (75%), I’m significantly behind on timelines for completion….. 🙁
Great to hear (that you’re writing, that is!) I think amongst other things it could be a great way to build business. I found the TOC really helped me to get focussed.
Wow. What an accomplishment. Congratulations Michael.
Thank you so much David. Was thinking it would be great to have a little contribution from you in there somewhere. Stay tuned!