It’s amazing what you can learn over 20 years of working with people in the comparative safety of a training room. When they start to open up and tell you about the challenges they are dealing with, it becomes apparent that “career malfunction” is widespread and it’s getting worse. The majority of the 10,000 or so people I’ve met have either lost or have a weakened “career mojo”, as I call it, and yet too often they feel stuck and unable to do anything about it.
This is a depressing fact, and a sad reflection on not only the workplace but also society as a whole.
The good news is there is plenty that people can do to address their own personal career situation without having to leave (although ultimately for some this is what they need to do). A sustained and life changing transformation can be brought about by a few simple changes in attitude and behaviour. I know this to be true because people tell me.
This week I am publishing a book which aims to help people to help themselves. “Ten proven ways to boost your career mojo” is a promise based on what I know from my hands on research to be the tools people find most easy to apply and beneficial to them personally. The book explains in pragmatic terms how to go about this, and encourages the reader to plan how and when they can apply the things they find most relevant and useful.
The book will be available as a download on Friday 6th July priced at 0.99p in the UK and the equivalent elsewhere. I’ll post an article sharing the link on the day.
Meanwhile, to whet your appetite, here’s a link to an article I wrote for June’s Training Journal magazine, which touches on some of the most important themes in the book.
One final point to note (and I’m aware you may know this already so forgive the repetition if you do): I finished the book two weeks before my wife Charlotte died suddenly and unexpectedly in the middle of the night. She was silently taken away from me by a pulmonary embolism: a massive clot in the main artery between the heart and lungs. When I woke up in the morning she didn’t.
Charlotte was 57: a healthy non smoking dog walker on no medication, who didn’t know the name of her doctor. If she can go this way, so can you.
I am using the book to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation, who are a leading researcher into Thrombosis. My £50,000 will go towards the £35 million they are spending over 3 years, and the aim is that through the book we may help save a life, and thus provide Charlotte’s untimely departure with some meaning. I’ll be donating all my net proceeds from the book until we hit the target, so I feel OK to shamelessly promote it in ways such as through this article. I hope that’s OK with you, and that you might feel inclined to share it if you want to support the cause.
See you again on Friday, and if we all hit the download on the day we’ll smash it on Amazon and thus be a best seller, meaning more people will find it and therefore we’ll sell more books and raise more money. Simple!